jeudi 10 novembre 2011

Theresa Byrnes
Theresa Byrnes Videos

09.15.2009, Australian painter and performer Theresa Byrnes performed Nest in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Very impressive, this performance shows her last painting series making process. Edit and most of the pictures by Emmanuel Germond, who was also Theresa Assistant.

NEST: 2009 Theresa Byrnes performance from emmanuel germond on Vimeo.

Theresa Byrnes, Nest, performance, photo Greg Weight

Theresa Byrnes, Nest, performance, photo Greg Weight

Theresa Byrnes The Artist - Documentary


Leonardo Davinci's anatomical drawing THE VITRUVIAN MAN heralded the age where the perfection of man was central to all things and encouraged progress and excellence in the individual and in society. The assertion of the centrality of the human soul in the order of creation is an idea I challenge.


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